Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Speed Racer

Cookies for a Speed Racer par-tay.


Logo with checkered flag accessories.

Almost packaged up.

The Winners... Steups!

Guess the winners of Groovy and Power deserve a mention too.

Machel shouldn't be allowed to enter in my not so humble opinion! De man RICH! He can afford to put on "de greatest show on earth"! Level de effin' playing field nuh man! Stueps! Song good doh!

And this is Kes's "Wotless"... The Groovy winner... GREAT song! Excellent even! I can well imagine how fantastic it was on the road! But not as great or excellent as Benjai's BES' GREAT EXCELLENT song!!!

It Was Carnival... And I Stayed Home... And Cried

I think I'll be vex for a while that I didn't play mas this year and its all because of Benjai! And just because I am an extremely proud Trini, Carnival finished only last night and Trinidad's pulse is still thundering at it's mas playing pace, here's my favorite Groovy contender. Ah sorry boy Kes but you eh deserve dat win!

Can you imagine chippin' dong de road to dis sweet melody?!?! I'm ashamed of myself! In better times I literally LIVE for meh mas but I couldn't get my ass in gear and burn off this 32 extra lbs I've put on so I opted out of prancing down the streets of Port of Spain in little more than a bikini, a string of beads and a handful of feathers... Shameful!!! :(

When I feel bad about it I look at this picture for inspiration to get back to this form for de Cyahneeval 2012!

Me not so long ago.

Valentine's Day Cookies

There's this awesome ol'time (old school) band who's members are a sample of what's great about each of the nations in the West Indies... The Tradewinds were awesome! The very definition of the word! Their most famous contribution to the Caribbean genre was a song called "Sweet Talk" and my client requested Valentines cookies inspired by the lyrics of the song. Another job I absolutely adored! Slapped on some Tradewinds and got to piping!

Here's the song :)

"Ah love yuh like a toilet love a flush"

"Ah love yuh like a hotdog love a bun"

"Ah love yuh like a toothpaste love a brush"
This was my favorite of the bunch! On the tube I wrote "Happy Teet's BESSSS Teetspase! Fights REAL germs dred!"

Left cup says "Dis is a bres' job!" ("Bes'" in Trinidad is like saying "that is the best" whatever the subject is... eg. "my daughter is a bes' child!" means "my daughter is awesome!")
Right cup says "De bigger de better!"

Not from the song but Tony Rebel contributed this line to every man fond of cheesy pick up lines the world over! "Ah love yuh like a fresh vegetable"

I just love his bomcey! That's Trini for "butt" by the way. Figured since this was a line about plumbers there had to be a plumber's crack on this cookie somehow... And it had to be 3D!

Not sure if "grog" is a universal term for "booze" but I'm sure everyone gets the jest of this. The drunk and disorderly fellow is saying to his bottle of rum "De only time ah doh love you darlin' is when you empty!" and said bottle of rum is giving him a hard stueps. A "stueps" is definitely a Trini thing! Its the noise you make when you "suck your teeth". Looked for a sound clip for y'all but no luck. Here's the definition though:

Awww... Such beautiful love!

Not my favorite of the bunch but she wanted this line so here it was.

My Little Pony

Bald ponies! This has to be right up there on my list of favorite orders! The little girl these were for is a My Little Pony super fan. I really surprised myself with these :) 100% hand piped with some food marker highlights :)

Bald pony close ups. I was worried about drawing the eyes but ended up being REALLY happy with how they came out!

Sophie's special cookie :)

The finished product :) LOVE them!


"My Little Ponies? Do they have to actually look like ponies? Do you just want horse shoes in My Little Pony colours instead????" This order kept me up at night! I got the job about a week before delivery and that was torturous! Seriously. I stayed up at night worrying about whether or not I had to ability to pull them off, picturing the client's face when she saw my failed attempt at My Little Pony illustration and counting down the days until I could finally bake them. First I drew on their bodies and was happy with that. Then I piped on the borders and filled the bodies. Still pretty happy. Then I started on their faces... YIKES! Their eyes really gave me chills! You mess up the eyes you mess up everything! But those very same eyes turned out so well that they bolstered my confidence and when it came time to give each pony her mane and tail I became downright cocky! 

Listen, I only give myself props when props are due... And I was so happy with these that props became due on facebook, via email to every family member and friend I have off facebook and on cakecentral. And then I climbed down off my high pony and settled back in to the next order and it's pre-start jitters.

My Favorite Cookie to Make!

I made this for a baby shower... The baby to be's name is Indie. I love it! 

These are the matching tiny baby feet accessory cookies :)

I loved the colours, the subject and the art work... Really was an extremely fun job!

Halloween Cookies

These were some of the Halloween line up last year :)

Witch Fingers 

Close-up of the putrid nails.

Elvis lives!!! From the dead celebrity collection.

Lucille Ball. This was the mock up, didn't take a pic of the final product :(

Ghostly brood.

The badass Hell's Angel ghost of the bunch.

And that's his initiation tattoo.

Happy lil spooker :)

The Smurfette of the bunch.

This was my favorite! Was really happy with how the stone work came out :D

Blood sucking cretinous super cuteness!

These are the halfway completed miniature eyeballs I effed up my hands with! I drew on irises and veins further to what you see here. Bagged them and they sold out in a couple of minutes every time I put them out :)

Pressed skulls.

This is what I did night after night after night after I first took the "sample" mini eye balls in to the store. Thought they'd be a cute way to sample but one person ordered a couple of bags and then their band wagon got jumped on :)

There were loads more but the only camera I have with me here in Trinidad is the one on my blackberry and the pictures it takes don't do the work any justice, so I just didn't take pictures at this point.