Monday, May 30, 2011

Attack of the Hippie Cookies

Since posting those Hippie Easter eggs I've been swamped with Hippie cookie orders. I made these for the aunt of a pair of sweet girls (twins) who just so happen to share my Noodle's birthday! Great day to be born!

These cookies also got me an email from a very sweet lady called Nicole Greene who wanted to feature my cookie beading idea on Macaroni Kid Trinidad... The most fantastic website she coordinates for Trini families. I LOVED being a part of this!

These are the cookies they took to school with them to share around on their birthday and the components of their centre piece necklaces.

 The tab cookies before they got their peace sign accessories.

 Finished necklace centre piece  cookie necklaces (cause YOU are the centre piece on your birthday!)

Terrible picture but here they are.

Better picture :D

Close-up of  one of the tie-dyed cookie "beads" for the necklaces.

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