Monday, May 30, 2011

I'm A Daring Baker!!!!

Two words I absolutely adore in one title... Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Trust me... All those "eee"s were necessary. Very.

If you describe me as either of those two words I'd be over the moon but together they mean I've been accepted in to the most bad-ass, no holds barred, extremely crazy, over the top, sometimes bizarre, elite group of baking extraordinaires and novices alike, taking part in monthly challenges of ability and talent, a world of gastronomic comparison tom foolery like no other! Yes folks... I am SO proud to say that I am officially a member of "Daring Kitchen", a Daring Baker, finally!

Okay so it really only took me a month's worth of impatient waiting for my application to be approved but I have wanted to belong to this group for ages... And I only have myself to blame for why it took me as long as it did to sign up. And yes, okay, "anyone" can join but I like feeling like we're all, us Daring Bakers, part of a select group of foodie of baking buccaneers. :) I gush a bit when I'm excited don't I :)

I'm off to read my 13 printed out pages worth of "The Daring Bakers' May, 2011 Challenge".


Cookie Orders Without Borders pt. 1

"Can you make a mortar board for Shannon's graduation?" asked Lindsay.

"Sure!" said Carla.

"Great!" replied Lin.

"When's it for and where should I deliver it?" Carla asked.

"Ummm... May... In... Um... Tampa?!"

And boom! My first international cookie was ordered!

And boom! Here it is!

Once again, picture quality sucks royally. VERY teenily, on the tassel, I piped "2011" with a pin point tip. My hands throb just thinking about it!

And so, the first of many cookie orders without borders makes it past Miami customs. *sniff* So proud!

All Aboard for Canada... Aye!

Had to! This was cookies without borders order number 2... Bound for Canada! For my sweet friend Dayna's wedding to her sweet hubby John. Congratulations guys!!!

They don't make a ton of sense to anyone else really. Here's the short version... Their wedding colours were lime-ish, kelly-ish green and black and well, the cutlery, their an inside joke that may or may not have involved a very long and billowy skirt, a farewell lime at Pizza Hut Roxy SEVENTEEN!!!!! (cheese on bread we're old!) years ago, an entire place setting's worth of cutlery and a few miscellaneous table items (a cup, plate, ramekin, menu, salt and pepper shaker, several packets of ketchup etc... nothing much) smuggled out of restaurant under said billowy skirt in rememberance that we loved our Daynie and that we would miss her when she moved to the great white, freezing cold North!

Tinkerbell, Dora, a Wand and Flying Cookies Pt. 3

Cookie order number three that have made it through customs in another country!

You want Tink and Dora, you gets Tink and Dora. Oh and a bonus wand cookie and "Happy Birthday" bonus cookie.

A special wand for a special two year old! From Trinidad to Miami perfectly in tact!

And here's the whole order... Wrapped up like hazardous waste... Or llelo for that matter!


Gotta love graffiti in all its forms... Especially edible ones!

Graffiti boom box... Cause every turtle who tags needs a few tunes to create to!

The only shot I got of the turtle... Stueps! The final product had him completely vandalized by a rival tagger!

"Happy birthday" tag on a red velvet sugar cookie "wall". My little nod to the great and awe inspiring Banksy is on the bottom right corner. He is the blue print after all.

Boom box and discarded paint cans.

Spent spray paint bottles :)

Best shot I have of turtle. Cut out, pre baking. Still vexed that I didn't get a finished shot!

Ferocious-ish Sharks! Rarr!

These were the first hand cut cookies I ever made :) They were for my nephew Calum's first birthday... Ocean inspired party because we all lived in Barbados at the time and being born and bred islanders (Trinis to the bone!) the ocean is a huge part of our lives! Plus the party supplies were adorable!

Not the best pictures and the single shark was the lone survivor of the cookie stampede at the party... A little worse for the wear, hidden away by my sister when she saw the stock was running low... She takes care of her tummy!

Surf Board Cookies

Since we live in a beach society and my precious nephew Jacob (Blondie) has just started surfing lessons in Barbados (in the bay right in front of our apartment!!!) I made this surf themed cookies set for him. The wave was inspired by this totally awesome wave cookie by Sweet Scenes :)

When I couldn't get it off to Bim in time I sent the set for a friend of mine's son who's daddy is a surfer die hard. After they polished off the set she order some surfboards "just for so" :) 

 These two were my favorites :) A nod to Bob and a great surf company!

Attack of the Hippie Cookies

Since posting those Hippie Easter eggs I've been swamped with Hippie cookie orders. I made these for the aunt of a pair of sweet girls (twins) who just so happen to share my Noodle's birthday! Great day to be born!

These cookies also got me an email from a very sweet lady called Nicole Greene who wanted to feature my cookie beading idea on Macaroni Kid Trinidad... The most fantastic website she coordinates for Trini families. I LOVED being a part of this!

These are the cookies they took to school with them to share around on their birthday and the components of their centre piece necklaces.

 The tab cookies before they got their peace sign accessories.

 Finished necklace centre piece  cookie necklaces (cause YOU are the centre piece on your birthday!)

Terrible picture but here they are.

Better picture :D

Close-up of  one of the tie-dyed cookie "beads" for the necklaces.

Farm Animals

Farm animals to match a cake for a one year old girl's first birthday party :)

Who would have thought this sheep's Afro would be such a gigantic hit! Most commented on picture for the year!

daily cookie - Easter 2011

I LOVE Easter! Period! But especially for cookie making :)

Easter colours camo-egg

Green Easter camo eggs

Blue Easter camo eggs

Purple Easter camo egg

HUGE Easter egg cookie with Dora and Boots

Hippie themed Easter cookies for a mum who wanted eggs that matched her kid's personalities :) Gotta love mums!

Football Easter eggs.

I stuffed these teeny-weenies into those flip open plastic Easter eggs.

 I made HUNDREDS of these! ALL hand cut... I'm a sucker for punishment!

Some of the pinks close-up.

Some of the green's close-up.

Some purple close-ups.


The gang's all here.

 Neon Mod leaping bunnies :)

Part of the store mini display... Small speckled eggs, mini eggs in corresponding colours packed into mini take-out boxes. Uncle Gerald's cookies.

Break-out chickies.

Trials Pt. 1

Cupcake trial for a cupcake themed party:

And a 3D skull cookie trial :)...

Corporate Cookies pt. 1

Cookie for wine distributor... The bottle part of the cookie is the exact size of the bottle of Carmen Merlot. It was Easter time so they wanted a bottle coming out of an egg :)